NCEEER is not currently accepting applications to the Carnegie Research Fellowship Program. If you are interested in applying for the program, please send your contact information to Alexey Kharlamov, to be notified of new application information and deadlines. |
"My very special thanks to the Carnegie Research Fellowship Program for giving me an amazing opportunity to undertake a full academic semester at Georgetown University. I had a chance to attend all the classes I was interested in and had the honour of being supervised by Dr. Lourdes Ortega, an outstanding professor in second language acquisition. This four-month period has been an unforgettable and rather rewarding experience in my academic life."
--Tinatin Tabidze, September 2013 Program, Tbilisi Javakishvili State University - Georgetown University
About the Carnegie Fellowship Research Program
Established in January 2001 by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Carnegie Research Fellowship Program brings Russian and former Soviet scholars to the United States for short-term, non-degree research at American universities and research institutions. All fellows spend up to four months at their host universities conducting research on specific topics in their fields and write a 15 to 30-page academic paper for presentation upon the fellow's return home. It is expected that returning fellows will actively participate in the development of the program activities of the CASE with which they are affiliated. Fellows are also expected to present their work at conferences and receive peer evaluation of the results of their research.
Participants in this program receive the following: round-trip airfare from their home cities to the host universities in the United States; pre-departure orientation; an academic orientation in Washington, DC or Seattle; visa support; a monthly stipend; health insurance; a professional development fund; access to libraries and archives; and support for membership in international professional associations in their field. A select number of successful participants are designated as George F. Russell fellows and placed at the University of Washington.
Current Carnegie Fellows
No Current Fellows
Past Carnegie Fellows
January 2017
ABDURAHIMOVA Zulfiyya (Azerbaijan) Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf – Harvard University, “Democratization from Outside: A Comparative Analysis of Democracy Promotion Policies of the US and EU in Azerbaijan”
ATANOVA Snezhana (Russia) Moscow State University – George Washington University, “Comparative Analyses of Nation Branding Initiative Through the Prism of Nation Building Activities in Russia and Central Asian Republics in Post-Soviet Period”
BOHDAN Olena (Ukraine) Kyiv Mohyla Academy – Duke University, “Gender Equality and Patriarchy in the Experiences of Women-Priests and Other Spiritual Leaders”
MATASOVA Iuliana (Ukraine) Taras Shevchenko National University – Duke University, “Female Artists and the Desired Ukraine. The Ukrainian Female Singer-Song Writer Tradition”
SHAHNAZARYAN Nona (Armenia) Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences – Stanford University, “Mutual Accusations of Ethnic Cleansing in the Azeri-Armenian Conflict: Memory Wars and Emerging State Ideologies”
SHPARAGA Olga (Belarus) European College of Liberal Arts in Belarus – New School, New York, “Human Rights: Contemporary Philosophical and Social Theoretical Debates”
TSERETELI Konstantine (Georgia) Free University of Tbilisi – George Washington University, “Regional Politics of Sinzo Abe and the US-Japan Security Relations”
YERITSYAN Hovhannes (Armenia) Tallinn University of Technology – Texas A&M, “Inefficient Management of University/Industry Collaboration as a Hampering Factor for the Sustainable and Innovative Development of Agro-Industrial Sectors in Transition Economies: On the Example of Armenia”
ZURABISHVILI Tamari (Georgia) International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) – University of Massachusetts Boston, “Immigration to Georgia: Policy and Societal Challenges”
September 2016
MANUCHARYAN Nelli (Armenia) Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences - Harvard University, “Peasants in Transition: Collectivization and Socialist Reconstruction of Village in Soviet Armenia”
MUSTEATA Sergiu (Moldova) – Ion Creanga State University - Stanford University, “The Moldovan SSR in the RFE/RL Broadcast Programs During Cold War”
NABIYEVA Aynur (Azerbaijan) – Bogazici University of Istanbul - New York University, “Effects of Managerial Practices on Knowledge Production in Think Tanks”
RIABCHUK Anastasiia (Ukraine) Kyiv Mohyla University - University of California at Berkeley, “Religion and Labor: New Forms of religious Practices in Post-Soviet Industrial Settings”
STRISHENETS Nadiya (Ukraine) – National Library of Ukraine - Catholic University of America, “Resource Description and Access – New International Library Standard for Resource Discovery in the Digital Age”
ZARETSKIY Yury (Russia) – Higher School of Economics Moscow - University of California at Berkeley, “The Beginning of Historical Knowledge in Russian Universities (From the Late Eighteenth to the Early Nineteenth Century)”
January 2016
AHMAD Tural (Azerbaijan) Baku State University - Naval Postgraduate Academy, “Freedom of Expression and Counter-Terrorism”
SHCHURKO Tatsiana (Belarus) European College of Liberal Arts - University of South Florida, “Social Transformations of the Limits of Reproductive Autonomy in the Post-Soviet Belarus”
STRELNYK Olena (Ukraine) Taras Shevchenko National University - University of Michigan, “(Dis)Empowered Mothers? Motherhood, Mothers, and Social Protests in Ukraine”
VASILYEVA Zinaida (Russia) European University at St Petersburg - University of California at Berkeley, “Do-It-Yourself Practices and Technical Knowledge in Late Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia”
MESTVIRISHVILI Maia (Georgia) Tbilisi State University - CUNY, “Life Abroad and Returning Hom: How Migration Affects Identities, Gender Roles ad Family Structure”
PAVLYK Khrystyna (Ukraine) Ivan Franko National - Harvard HURI, “Economics of Social Creativity: Comparative Study of NGO’s Transformation Toward Social Entrepreneurship”
JAPARIDZE Dimitri (Georgia) Ilia State University – Columbia University, “Major Impediments to Internationalization and Innovations of Georgian SMEs and Good Practices”
MCHEDLISHVILI George (Georgia) University of Georgia - Georgetown University, “The Role of Domestic and International Factors in Shaping Foreign Policy of the South Caucasus States: Comparative Analysis”
September 2015
ABDURAZZAKOV Odiljon (Azerbaijan) Qafqaz University – Harvard University, “Role of Technology Transfer in Stimulating Innovative Entrepreneurship: How to Apply US Experience for Azerbaijan -Columbia University”
KEKELIA Elene (Georgia) Ilia State University - University of Virginia, “The Narrative of the 20-th Century Monuments in Georgia”
MARCHENKO Alla (Ukraine) Taras Shevchenko National University – New York University, “Hasidic Communities and Social Transformations: From Bonding to Bridging”
IAKOVLENKO Kateryna (Ukraine) Isolyatsia: Platform for Cultural Initiative/ Lviv National University – New York University, “Donbas in Soviet and Post-Soviet Ukraine: Transformation of Industrial Narrative in Visual Media and Literature Propaganda”
YATSYK Aleksandra (Russia) Kazan Federal University - George Washington University, “Soft Power and Post/Neo-Imperial Borderlands: Cultural Mechanisms of Inclusion and Exclusion”
MOSIASHVILI Tamar (Georgia) Ilia State University - Library of Congress, “The Development of a Cataloguing Guide for Georgian Libraries with cataloguing Standards RDA/MARC 21”
BURDELNII Eugeniu (Moldova) Parliament of Moldova – Georgetown University, “Problems of Reintegration and Return of the Highly Skilled Migrants to the Countries of Western Eurasia Border Region: Aspects of Sociology of Transition (the Case of the Republic of Moldova)”
September 2013
Vahagn Agylan (Yerevan) Yerevan State University - UCLA, "Patterns of Regional Hierarchial Relations in the CIS"
Felicia Banu (Chisinau) State University of Moldova, Cahul - University of Washington, "The Contribution of Higher Education Reforms to Enhancing Quality and Graduate Employability"
Dmytro Khutkyy (Kyiv) Kyiv Mohyla Academy - University of Wisconsin, "Efficient Participatory Democracy: A Real Utopia Model for Ukraine"
Stanislav Menzelevskyi (Kyiv) Kyiv Mohyla Academy - Columbia University, "Chornobyl in Soviet and Post-Soviet Ukrainian Film"
Tinatin Tabidze (Tbilisi) Tbilisi State University - Georgetown University, "Corpus Linguistics and its Application in Teaching"
January 2013
Nataliia Baliuk (Kyiv) Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv - Harvard University, Ukrainian Research Institute, "The Impact of Volunteer Movements and NGOs on Public Policy: Implementing International Best Practices in Ukraine"
Victor Neagu (Chisinau) World Bank, Moldova Country Office - Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, "The Role of Open Government in Strengthening the Processes of Democratization in the Eastern Partnership Countries"
Ana Niculaes (Chisinau) Moldova Pedagogical State University - SUNY Buffalo School of Social Work, "School-based Mental Health Promotion"
Nikita Nikitin (Kaliningrad) Kant Federal University, Kaliningrad - University of Miami Medical School, "Physical Rehabilitation of Children with HIV/AIDS"
Leyla Sayfutdinova (Baku) Middle East Technical University - University of Wisconsin, Department of Sociology, "Professional Identity and the social mobility of engineers in post-Soviet Azerbaijan"
Oleksii Shestakovskyi (Kyiv) Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences - UCLA, Center for International Migration, "Transnational Social Space and Stratification: Labor Migration from Ukraine as a Factor in Social Mobility"
Anastasiia Syzenko (Kyiv) Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv - UC Berkeley, Berkeley Language Center, "Second Language Acquisition in Higher Education: Implementation of US Practices in Language Curriculum Development in Ukraine"
September 2012
Yauheniya Krasnova (Minsk) University of Vitebsk - Brown University, "Museum Studies and International Cooperation"
Svitlana Khutka (Kyiv) Kyiv Mohyla Academy - University of Washington, "Casual Dynamics of Changes in Subjective Well Being"
Larisa Patlis (Chisinau) Free International University of Moldova - Southern Florida University, "Devolutionary Political Trends in the Republic of Moldova"
Olena Rybiy (Kyiv) Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences - George Washington University, "Party System Institutionalization in Ukraine"
Karine Torosyan (Tbilisi) Tbilisi State University - University of Wisconsin, "Conflict-Based Changes in Migration Flows from Georgia to Russia"
January 2012
Oksana IurKova (Kyiv) Ukrainian National University of Sciences - Columbia University, "Historiographic Sovietization in the Ukrainian SSR: How Ukrainian Historians Were Made Soviet, 1929 - 1941"
Alexandr Osipian (Kramatorsk) Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities - George Washington University, "Uses of History and Regional Diversity in Ukraine's Elections, 2004 -2010: Failed Reforms in a Divided Society"
Ekaterine Pirtskhalava (Tbilisi) Tbilisi State University - Rutgers University, "Meskhetian Turks in the USA and Georgia: Integration or Separation?"
Turkhan Sadigov (Baku) Baku State University - Yale University, "Political Participation and Bribe Offer Willingness Among Citizens of Resource Rich Countries of the Former Soviet Union"
Maia Simonishvili (Tbilisi) Ilia State University - The New School, "Christian Past, Modernization, and National Identity: Ilia Zdanevitch - A Cultural Bridge Between East and West"
Tamara Tonoyan (Yerevan) National Institute of Health, Armenia - New Mexico State University, "Health Care Reform in Armenia: Finding Ways to Overcome Challenges"
Yuliya Zabyelina (Luhansk) Taras Schevchenko University, Luhansk - City Univerisity of New York, "Transnational Crimes: The Interplay of Criminal, Political, and Economic Powers in Ukraine's Borderlands"
September 2011
Krystsina Aksenava, Information Literacy and Career Success, (Minsk) Belarus State University – University of Washington
Asya Darbinyan, The Near East Relief Organization in World War I, (Yerevan) Armenian Genocide Museum – UCLA
Victor Sokovnin, Modernization of Russia through Border Cooperation, (Rostov) Southern Federal University – American University
Nadiya Trach, Language Policy in Contemporary Ukraine, Kyiv-Mohyla (Minsk) Academy – University of Washington
Tatevik Zadoyan, Issues of Municipal Waste Management, Armenian (Yerevan) State University of Economics – University of Vermont
January 2011
Emin Ayliev, Knowledge Based Economy and Sustainable Development in Azerbaijan, (Baku) Nice-Sophia Antipolis University – University of Washington
Tatsiana Bialiayeva, Non-Judicial Methods of Economic Dispute Resolution in Belarus, (Minsk) Belarus State Economic University – University of Washington
Tamara Martsenyuk, Transformation of Masculinities in Post-Soviet Ukraine, (Kyiv) Kyiv-Moyla Academy – SUNY Stony Brook
Namig Naghdaliyev, Central Bank Communication, (Baku) Central Bank of Azerbaijan – Columbia University
Yuriy Savelyev, Social Inclusion in Societal Transformations in Eastern Europe, (Kyiv) Taras Shevchenko University – Boston College
Natalia Shelegia, Georgian Museum Culture in Transition, (Tbilisi) Tbilisi State Academy of Art – Brown University
Apply for the Carnegie Fellowship Research Program
The CRFP competition is open to university, faculty, researches, advanced graduate students, and scholars in the social sciences and humanities from the countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. Currently there is no open competition for this program.
Applications will only be accepted electronically. Please e-mail all applications, as PDF or Word attachments, to . Please direct all inquiries to Alexei Kharlamov:
A primary goal of this program has been to integrate Russian and former Soviet social scientists and humanists into the work of regional Centers for Advanced Study and Education (CASEs), originally supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, in cooperation with the Kennan Institute, INO-Center Moscow, and the Russian Ministry of Higher Education. The CASEs have become magnets for scholars who both teach and undertake research through their auspices. The mission of this multi-year commitment has been to strengthen regional universities, restore academic communities, foster a new generation of social scientists and humanists, and integrate scholars from Russian and former Soviet regions into collegial communities with their Western colleagues.
The CASEs currently include the following centers:
- Caucasus Research Resource Centers (Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan)
Center for the Study of the South Caucasus: Life in Transition - European Humanities University (Vilnius)
Center for Advanced Studies and Education on Social Transformations in the Western Eurasia Border Region--Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine