Evangelicalism and the Resurgence of Religion in Ukraine

Catherine Wanner

Evangelicalism and the Resurgence of Religion in Ukraine

February 15, 2006


Dramatically different policies regulating religious organizations have been adopted in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Ukraine offers far more freedoms to non-traditional religious communities and foreign religious organizations than many other successor states. This, in turn, has generated greater religious diversity and higher levels of religious participation in Ukraine. In particular, there as been a notable increase in the number of Baptist and Pentecostal communities since 1991. These communities offer converts membership and active participation in a local congregation at the same time that they connect them to a global community of believers. By introducing new practices, knowledges, and moralities, these global communities remake identities, allegiances and political orientations. The attraction of these communities and the role they play in developing and strengthening of civil society in Ukraine is likely to continue.

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